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First-Aid for your dirtbike. Full-day recovery clinic.

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First-Aid for your dirtbike. Full-day recovery clinic.

First-Aid for your dirtbike. Full-day recovery clinic.

“Umm, guys? This thing ain’t starting…”

You’re a long way from home, the sun is going down, the mosquitos are getting thick and you are now the proud owner of 230 lbs of dead weight.

But you’re not worried – you’ve taken Dirt-Aid.

Dirt-Aid is first-aid for your dirtbike. Arm yourself with the capability and confidence you need to take control of this situation and get you and your bike home, using limited tools in remote situations.

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Knowledge is the most important part of your toolkit. We will discuss motorcycle diagnostics, the concept of S.A.F, and situational analysis. We’ll learn how to bump-start, how to safely tow and be towed, and how to de-water a drowned bike. We’ll even consider when and how to safely abandon your dirtbike for rescue the next day.

This course will be taught by Red Seal, dirt-riding, pro mechanic, the eRag’s own Chuck Harder. Dirt-Aid is designed to teach you how to keep your cool in unexpected situations in remote locations. Get you and your riding buddies out of the bush.

The Traction eRag crew provides a supportive learning environment packed with knowledge, good people and fun!

This course is intended for 2 or 4-stroke single-cylinder, chain-driven motorcycles under 650cc

You will be required to bring your own motorcycle and riding gear as we will be riding during some exercises.
